Domain email address
If you are using an email address that matches your website's domain name (e.g., please make sure your new email account is fully active before you request a verification email in Form Builder, Payment Button, or one of our other apps.
MX Record Updates/Domain Transfers
When you first register your custom domain and set up your email (through Google or any other email host), it can take up to a week for your MX record update to fully propagate. During this period, you will not be able to receive emails.
Similarly, if you are transferring your domain from one host to another one (for example, from GoDaddy to Wix), your email service will also experience downtime.
Verify once your email is active
Please ensure that your new email account can receive emails before requesting a verification email. If you request the verification while your email service isn't active yet, our system will register your address as being unavailable. This will cause our email service to stop sending emails to your address. If you believe this is happening to you, contact our support team and explain the issue.
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