Make sure that you are logging in with the right email and password. If you signed up using a Google, Facebook, or Yahoo login, you do not have a password and need to use the correct social button to access your POWR account.
Make sure you reset using the correct account email address. A password can only be sent to an email address that's already in the POWR system. If you are certain that you used the correct email, make sure to check your email's spam and junk folders.
If you're using POWR in Bigcommerce, Shopify, Weebly, or Wix, you do have a POWR account but may not know your password. Log in to your site first, open the editor of any of your POWR apps, then go to and you should automatically be logged in to your POWR dashboard.
Yes, you can give them editing rights! More details here.
To Delete your POWR account, you must first make sure you do not have any active subscriptions. Click here for more information.
Please open this article Link.
To manage your account, log in to your account at You will be redirected to your My Apps Dashboard. Click for more information.
You can change your account email address by following these steps Learn more.
There are two ways to reset your POWR password: Learn more.
1 comment
what is an admin email in the POWR account? How do I get rid of it as my account is rejecting sales due to an admin account?
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