Users can choose whether or not multiple submissions by the same user should be allowed in their forms and polls.
You will find the appropriate options in your POWR Editor under Settings > After Submission Options:
Prevent multiple form submissions per IP address:
- Toggled OFF - Disabled by default, once a respondent refreshes the page or comes back to it later, they will be able to submit again. This configuration will allow users to submit to your form multiple times.
- Toggled ON - Enabling will block a user from submitting to the form from the same IP address. Users will not be able to submit again after refreshing the page.
- *Please note: all devices accessing the internet from the same router will share an IP address. This feature blocks multiple submission attempts from the same network.
Even on "Once per User" if a user is logging in again, he is able to submit his responses again. This is ruining the credibility of my poll. I want a user to be able to vote on a particular poll only once. Please fix this problem or tell me how to fix it.
Hi Uttkarsh,
You might have found a bug. That's definitely not the way this feature is supposed to work. I'm having our engineers look into this. I'll post an update here as soon as I know more!
Hi Uttkarsh,
Thanks again for reporting. This bug should now be fixed. Please let us know if you keep running into any issues!
I am having the same issue - I upgraded so that my poll could only be taken once per user and this works fine on a desktop as it only allows one vote per user but on a mobile, you can just refresh the page and then vote again. This is not what I paid for and I am not happy about it
Hi A Scott! If you haven't already, please submit a ticket to our support team with a link to your Poll so they can take a look. Thanks!
Hi A Scott! A fix for the issue you found is going live today. Thanks for reporting, and let us know if you keep running into any issues!
Safari let's me multipe vote when 'once per user' is turned on. As does Chrome Incognito mode.
EDIT - Infact I'm able to vote on Chrome multiple times on different devices on the same internet connection. I upgraded for this feature and it doesn't work properly?
Hi John! Thanks for reporting. A fix for this is currently being tested and will be deployed as soon as we got the green light from our QA team.
Thanks! Just an update on the bug I'm getting - though it's allowing me to repeat vote on different browsers it's not recording those votes in my analytics as they're from the same IP address.
Thanks, John! The fix for this should now be live. Please contact POWR support if you keep running into any issues with this.
I also upgraded for this feature and was able to refresh and EASILY vote multiple times not what I paid for and am beyond annoyed, this has to be a joke that this problem has existed for 3 years and is addressed the same way with no avail.
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