Frequently Asked Questions
How to add POWR to Wix
There are two ways you can add POWR apps to your Wix site:
- Add POWR via the Wix App Market
- Add POWR embed code to your Wix page
For any app that is available in the Wix App Center, we recommend installing through the App Center.
If a POWR app is not available in the App Center, or you do not have access to the App Center, you can use the code embed method - Adding POWR app into Wix through embed code.
You can find both install tutorials here:
How to I upgrade a POWR app on Wix?
To purchase an upgrade through Wix, simply follow these steps:
- Open your App Settings;
- Click on the Upgrade button;
- In the new tab, click Select under the plan you want to purchase;
- Choose Monthly or Yearly in the next screen;
- Fill in your payment details and click Submit Purchase.
You might also find the following article useful.
Wix App Market: Pricing, Upgrades & Refunds
Most likely, you haven't Saved and Published your page yet. You will need to click Publish on the exact page where your POWR app is installed. If you have multiple POWR apps, do this for every page where you are using POWR. More details here.
Yes, you can! Check out this article for details.
You can set up email alerts, or view your responses in the dashboard.
This article walks you through how to do this..
You'll find all details on how to set this up in this Help Center article.
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