Promo codes can be added to any POWR form that requires a payment.
Once you enable payments on your form, the Discount Codes section will appear in the POWR Editor. To set up a code, follow these steps:
- Go to the Payment section
- Click on Discount Codes (Require Payment must be toggled on to see Discount Codes)
- Click +Create New Code
- Enter a word or phrase that will trigger the discount code, choose percent or flat rate, and set a value (ex. $5 or 10%).
- You can create multiple discount codes on a single form.
When a visitor enters a valid discount code in your form, a green checkmark will appear next to it in the checkout modal.
Note: The discount code is case-sensitive. That means, if you create a code that is 15OFF, the discount will not be accepted if the user enters it as 15off or 15Off.
If you are selling Subscriptions the discount will apply to every payment you receive. For example, a $5 discount on a $20/month subscription means your customer will be charged $15 each month.
If your discount is greater than or equal to the total value charged to the customer, you will NOT receive an email confirmation after the form is submitted. Remember to check your Form Response Dashboard to stay up to date.
Hello- I would like to know how to see who uses what code??? I cannot find it on the back end
Hi Marissa! We've just update our Response Dashboard to include a column for Discount Code used! Please access and view your Form Responses when attempting to see which user had used a Discount Code in their purchase.
it is still not working...
Hi Marissa!
The discount code will appear as an answer column for all new sales going forward from the time of the update. The previous transactions will not display the discount code used since that was prior to our new update. If a new sales transaction had gone through, but you're still unable to view the Discount Code used, please send me an email. You may email me at with your webpage URL that your Form is published on. I'll be happy to look into it!
Hi, I'd like to offer a discount on the first month of a subscription, then increase the price to full price thereafter. Is there any way for me to do this?
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