Microsoft has announced that they are no longer actively supporting IE11 and are encouraging all users to use their Edge browser instead:
- "Microsoft recommends using Microsoft Edge as your default browser and supports Internet Explorer 11 for backward compatibility."
As a result, POWR has decided to add more modern front-end elements to our apps regardless of whether or not those elements are confirmed to be working correctly in IE11.
The Date/Time picker and Phone Number Element in our Form Builder apps do NOT work on IE11. Website visitors will not see these element in your form if they are accessing your site using Internet Explorer 11 (or any previous version of IE).
Troubleshooting IE11 Element issues:
- If many of your site visitors are using Internet Explorer, you may choose to change your Date/Time or Phone element to a regular Text Box element. This way, any text input is supported and the field will show up to users on any browser (see screenshots below).
- Another solution is to simply make your Date/Time or Phone element(s) not required. This way, you will not get a Date/Time response from your users, but at least the form response will successfully go through even if that answer is missing.
POWR's new Date/Time picker (released October 2019) and new Phone element (released March 2020) - compatible with all modern web browsers:
POWR's regular Text Box element with a custom label - accepts any input:
Please note that POWR has no plans to fix any issues happening ONLY on IE. If you are noticing any issues in a different browser - such as Chrome, Edge, Safari, Firefox - please contact our support team with details on what issue you are encountering.
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