You can now load POWR Forms as a popup on your website. To do this, go to your Form editor and select the Design tab > Display On Click> Toggle on Display On click. Here, you can decide whether to display a Floating Button or Tab on your website to trigger the Form.
This feature works on all platforms where HTML embed is the primary install mode (such as Shopify, Bigcommerce, Weebly, Squarespace, Jimdo, etc.).
This feature does not currently work on iframe platforms, like Wix, Google Sites, and Facebook.
Changing Colors
You can change the Tab or Floating Button color in the Form's settings panel. Simply navigate to the Design tab and select Fixed Button.
Weebly: Editing a Form with Fixed Positioning:
In the Weebly editor, you cannot select the Tab or Floating Button in order to open your Form Builder settings. Rather, return to where you originally dragged the Form on your Weebly site and click the corresponding area to edit the Form.
Is this still relevant as of 11/11/23?
Hi there!
Yes, it's still relevant.
Timur, I'm on the pro plan and when i click on 'design' while in form edit mode, there is no option labeled, "Positioning", so where does one do this?
Oh so sorry for the inconvenience.
I updated the article.
Now it's named Display On Click in Design settings
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