Surely, you are reading this article because you have a POWR account with us already. No? Then go ahead and sign up for a free account to get a clearer understanding of the instructions below!
The POWR Editor can be found by clicking the "edit" button under the relevant plugin from the POWR dashboard, and it consists of two panels:
- The Main Editor: The panel on the left.
- The View/Preview mode: The preview of your App on the right.
Any changes you make to the Main Editor will immediately be reflected in the View/Preview section on the right panel.
1. Main Editor Panel
This panel provides everything you need to customize the plugin as many details as possible. It is divided into 2 to 5 tabs listed below, according to which the POWR app is being edited.
We have built-in templates for multiple cases, depending on what you're trying to accomplish. Whether you want to collect leads, build trust, improve conversions, and more, we've got you covered! You can also generate a template with our AI POWRBot or start from scratch. The choice is yours.
This tab may be titled "Content" or differently according to the app, and that's where all of the main customizations are operated. This tab typically lets you add your desired content, such as title/header, field elements, and all the information displayed on the app.
From there, you can set the internal and external behaviors of the app Content, set up integrations, and more. For the Popup, this tab is titled "Controls" as it lets you add your chosen triggers and schedule for entire control over how and when you want the Popup to display.
This option is only available for the Form Builder and Survey/Poll apps, also titled "Connect" for our specified payment collection apps (PayPal Button, Ecommerce, etc.), as it allows you to connect the app with the Payment portal of your choice (Stripe, PayPal) to receive payments (one-time purchase, subscriptions, donations). You can check our Payment FAQs for more details.
If you have installed our Form Builder via Shopify and notice the payment tab is not displayed, please refer to the detailed instructions in this article to enable it.
You can edit all aspects of the app's design. You can edit the app size, display, fonts, and colors, controls, and animation. You can also create custom CSS and JS for further customization; your imagination is unlimited!
⚠️ As of October 2021, for security reasons, the Custom JS field can only be edited by the POWR team.
If you want to add JS customization, please contact the Support Team at Security is a top concern at POWR; JS scripts will only be added to your app after verification.
2. App View
This panel is divided into two (2) sections:
Edit Mode
Available only on certain app types, you can click directly on any field from this mode. The related element will automatically appear to you on the left panel for editing.
Preview Mode
The preview is available on all apps and represents exactly what the app will look like on your website for different devices (computer, tablet, phone). From there, you can see all the changes you're implementing live on the app, even before publishing. So that you know, the dimensions of your app might change on your website depending on which content container you are placing the app in.
Should you have any questions, suggestions, clarifications, or custom demands, please contact our support team at, and we will get back to you within just two (2) hours!
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