I have a members-only area on my site. Can POWR handle the sign-up process for me?
Yes and no. POWR Forms are a great tool for collecting information and payments from a user before you give them access to your protected area.
POWR does not provide a member area back-end.
Does POWR integrate with Wix's, Weebly's, or some other platform's member system?
Unfortunately, no. You will still need to manually approve users and grant them access after you have received the form submission and/or the user's payment.
If you're taking subscription payments from your members through a POWR form, PayPal will notify you as soon as one of your subscribers has cancelled their recurring payment. You will manually need to go into your existing member management console to revoke access.
My website builder does not have a built-in member area. Any recommendations?
A third-party service, such as SentryLogin might be a good alternative. Also check out the app markets of your site builder to explore options. Some already come with form and payment features (which means you may not need POWR Forms in addition to that) while for others using a combination of member login and POWR Form Builder might still make sense.
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