If you have access to your theme files in BigCommerce, you can add custom content to your "Thank You" or "Order Confirmation" page (the page users are sent to after purchasing from your store).
BigCommerce Blueprint Theme
Find details on customizing your "Thank You" page, here.
To add POWR to your Theme, simply copy your App's code snippet and paste it into the order.html template file. You'll want to find the section within that file that renders the content for your Thank You page (look for %%LNG_ThanksForYourOrder%%).
BigCommerce Stencil Theme
Find details on customizing your Stencil theme's "Order Confirmation" page, here.
To add POWR to your Theme, simply copy your App's code snippet and paste it into the /templates/pages/order-confirmation.html template file. Find the location where you'd like your POWR App to appear.
Apps for your "Thank You" Page
Many of our Apps are a great fit for an order confirmation page. Some of the ones you might want to add to your success page are:
- Survey - get feedback on your customers' shopping experience
- FAQ - answer common after-purchase questions
- Social Feed and Social Media Icons - get customers to follow you on social
- Popup - capture emails for a mailing list and/or offer a discount on next purchase
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