If you would like to cancel your POWR subscription, please follow these steps.
1. Log in to your POWR account at www.powr.io.
2. Click on your email address in the top right-hand part of the dashboard and select My Account.
3. Click on Subscriptions on the left hand side.
4. Choose the subscription you'd like to cancel and click on the Manage
5. Choose the reason why you're choosing to cancel your subscription. Provide any necessary feedback or reason for canceling your subscription.
6. Submit your cancellation request clicking on I want to cancel. If you are facing any issues please feel free to contact support team.
App features after cancellation
After canceling subscriptions you will no longer be able to add paid features to the new apps, however, they will still be saved on your old paid apps, but you won't be able to edit them anymore and POWR logo will return.
Please know that we are always looking for ways to improve our apps and serve you better.
Contact our support team before you make a final decision and we will be happy to help you with any problems you may have!
assume that I take yearly subscription on 1st of June, 2021, & after 2-3 months, say 1st Sept I need to cancel the subscription, so will I get back money for the remaining 9 months ? will it calculate pro-rata basis, and then refund the remaining?
please clarify
Hi Shanker.
No, you would not be refunded. Our refund policy is here.https://www.powr.io/terms
Annual and biannual upgrades
Refunds can be issued only within the first 5 days of a yearly or biannual upgrade being purchased.
I would like to cancel my subscription.
I subscribed yesterday and that was a mistake.
I tried to follow the steps above but I can not log in to the powr page. It tells me I have the wrong password and the link i get on email does not work.
Hi there,
Thank you for reaching out. We’ve contacted you via email to assist directly with your cancellation and account access issues. Please check your inbox for further instructions!
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