You can add multiple locations to a POWR Map all at once by uploading a CSV file. Here's how...
Click the "Upload" link
Navigate on over to your map app with your properly formatted CSV file. Then click the upload link! The screenshot should provide some guidance on where to find this feature.
Select the CSV File
After clicking the "Upload" link, you should be presented with a file selection menu. Select the file you wish to upload.
Let POWR do the rest
Now all you have to do is wait until your Map App populates itself with all of the (properly formatted) addresses, names, and descriptions in your (properly formatted) CSV file.
Scroll down for the required format structure.
The Format You Need For POWR!
Proper Heading
Address,Name,Description Heading
Order and Casing
Address1,Description1,Name1 Fields
Address2,Description2,Name2 Fields
Address3,Description3,Name3 Fields
Additional Fields
address,description,Name,Address Duplicate
A Brief Introduction to the CSV format...
1. The First Line
The first line is typically a series of field delimiters. A good example (especially if you're using the map app) is to have the first line contain the words Address,Name,Description. Uppercase/Lowercase letters do not matter, nor does the order of the delimiters so long as as they match with their respective fields beneath them.
is the same as...
2. Separate Entries
Each record is one line - This means that every entry should have its own line ending with a return/new line character.
Address1,Name1,Description1 One line
Address2,Name2,Description2 One line
Address3,Name3,Description3 One line (Notice how there's multiple lines?)
3. Separate Fields
Fields are separated with commas. You can enclose fields with double quotes! This allows you to have have fields containing commas.
"I'm a little tea pot","Short, and, stout".
Field 1: "I'm a little tea pot"
Field 2:"Short, and, stout".
4. White Space
Leading and trailing white-space is ignored - Unless the field is delimited with double-quotes in that case the white-space is preserved. This means that a field containing
"[space 1][space 2][space3]Tip me over"
will contain 3 white space characters in the beginning (Trust me, there's 3 spaces in the beginning of that field) while that same field without the quotes would have the 3 white spaces ignored.
[space 1][space 2][space3]Tip me over, I'm a tea pot
5. Double-Quotes in values
Embedded double-quote characters must be doubled, and the field must be delimited with double-quotes. This is a little weird, but here's an example!
If you wanted a field to have the following text:
He said: "and poor me out"you would need to have the quotes surrounding "and poor me out"
each be preceded by an additional double quote giving you the final field of:"He said: ""and poor me out."""
Attached below is a template that you can use for creating your own CSV file.
I have gone over my file with a fine-tooth comb and it STILL will not upload. I have followed these directions to the letter. What's up?
It is really very unimpressive that your upload system cannot deal with a faulty address, skip it and process the rest, this is really pretty elementary programming, and it makes your upload tool and monumental pain to use.
Hi Daniel! We use the Google API for finding addresses. If the address isn't recognized by Google, we can't display the location. We have some tips on how to troubleshoot issues with the upload here:
That being said, we are aware that the behavior when the upload fails could be handled better and be made more more user-friendly. Our team is looking into improvements that can be made in the not too distant future.
Ola, tenho os campos: Endereço, Nome, Descrição, Numero
Na hora de importar, não vai o numero de telefone, como resolver?
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